I am sorry Mr Page is confused about the aims and beliefs of the two local peace groups (Letters, November 13).

Hopefully I can clear up some of his confusion.

Both groups are supported by people with a wide range of political beliefs.

Those in the groups aligned to the left, centre or indeed the right of centre in some cases are united in the belief that this war is undemocratic, illegal and unwinnable.

In both groups are some of the most peaceful and intelligent people I know.

Direct action, despite his preconception, is not violent and it is the protesters themselves who are often at the receiving end of the violence.

This is why it is so important for those who believe in direct action to be instructed on how to engage in it lawfully and peacefully.

I might also add that when writing to The Argus, we write as individuals and not on behalf of the groups unless explicitly stated.

-Glenn Williams, Brighton