Christmas is coming and once again, our thoughts turn to dieting.

With the festivities looming, many of us will aspire to getting into that little black dress. One look in the mirror is enough to see there might be a problem.

It is a well-known fact that to lose weight successfully, it is useless to follow fad diets or resort to taking slimming pills in hope they will do the work for us.

There is no "universal" diet. It is better to have a long-term, well-balanced eating plan, which is personal and depends on one's constitution and lifestyle.

Losing weight is not necessarily just about fitting into a certain dress size, for some, it's all about regaining self-respect and self-esteem.

To lose weight, you must first learn to appreciate food differently. For example, avoid nibbling on fatty and sugary foods by having fruit for snacks.

Favour the quality of products and not the quantity.

Rather than junk food, eat good quality food which has been simply prepared.

Weight gain often results from a lack of nutrients in the food.

If we are not getting the nutrients we need to maintain health, the brain gives out the message that more food is needed in an attempt to get the required nutrients.

So give your body what it wants: Eat when you are hungry and widen your choice to such neglected foods as fresh vegetables and whole cereals.

Some 2,400 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates said: "We are what we eat." Little did he know this would ring more true today than ever.

You might have tried a variety of diets but did you know homeopathy is another useful therapy in weight loss?

Identifying allergies and treating them homeopathically can reverse weight gain from foods not suited to our bodies.

Scientific studies show some foods act as toxins to the system and can cause weight gain, lack of energy and many other symptoms.

Homeopathy can help in other ways, too, depending on the cause of the weight gain.

It is not only a treatment for those who are carrying a few extra pounds as it takes the individual as a whole into account. This allows the homeopath to understand the reasons for weight gain and how to treat them.

Often mental and emotional problems are the underlying cause of over-eating.

Many of us can identify with food cravings and comfort eating. All of these can be treated homeopathically.

There are also remedies to help with types of constitutions that have a tendency to be overweight. For example:

Calc-carb would suit a lazy person with a sluggish meta-bolism who has excessive hunger and flabby muscles.

Graphites is for the large-build person with a large appetite.

The over-indulgers would do well on Nux-vom. They tend to eat and drink too much and love rich foods.

Lycopodium will help with the sugar cravings and poor fat metabolism as it supports the liver.

There are numerous homeopathic remedies available but a skilled professional prescribing will ensure quick and lasting results.

Elizabeth Whitney is a qualified, registered homeopath and can be contacted at Advanced Homeopathic Centre, 62 Palmeira Avenue, Hove. Call 01273 390938 or email