Last Saturday at least 50 residents of Brighton and Hove stood peacefully outside Hove Town Hall to deliver a petition against the occupation of Iraq to Ivor Caplin MP.

This man, who was promoted to Junior Defence Minister as his reward for getting the Labour Party to vote for the war, unbelievably refused to accept this petition which was signed by more than 1,000 people of Hove.

This is an absolute outrage and completely unacceptable.

He should explain to the people of Hove why he refused to even acknowledge their views.

If the Government is concerned about voter apathy, this is the predictable result of being repeatedly ignored by our elected representatives.

Mr Caplin has nothing but contempt for his constituents and typifies the Government's complete disregard for democracy and accountability.

As Geoff Hoon's right-hand man, Mr Caplin is a disgrace to the people of this area and has no concern for anything but his own ambition and lust for power.

-Glenn Williams, Brighton