I have returned from Torquay feeling elated. That town is like walking into a picture postcard.

Incredibly, I saw no sign of any chewing gum on pavements.

I looked around for litter but didn't see even a sweet wrapper. Graffiti? Nowhere.

I arrived back in Brighton shocked at the comparison.

The pavements (particularly Western Road) are almost black with gum, spilled drinks and food.

People throw down rubbish as if it was an offence to use litter bins.

Torquay public conveniences were pristine, as were those in cafes.

I was also amazed to see new signs everywhere, untouched by vandals.

I keep asking myself the question: "How can all this be and why is Brighton a dump in comparison?"

Perhaps there's something in the Devon air that has a beneficial effect.

-PA Bond, Brighton