The separation of rubbish into bottles, paper and plastic has to be done by householders so we need a choice of collection methods.

Large bins in car parks could be extended for drivers. But for everyone else, local collections are necessary and the council should be congratulated on experimenting.

Large bins - like those proposed for the city centre - can be smelly, a home for flies and attract seagulls and cats if left open.

That is why in Lanzarotte they are being replaced with large, underground containers with small entry shutes above ground.

Large bins do not have to be put in parking bays. They can also be put over double yellow lines and sometimes hidden in gardens.

They will not be popular if they spoil the environment.

The small box experiment may suit people who cannot get to the large bins, providing they have space in their home to keep the rubbish for a week and then have the strength to lift them to the pavement before 8am.

Given a choice, most householders will help the city to reach the target for recycling.

-David Morris, Brighton