Your readers may be surprised to hear watering a garden during daytime or evening sunshine is a complete waste of time - and could actually harm their plants and shrubs.

Earlier this year, Southern Water joined with Chichester College to research when was the best time to water a garden.

The answer was early morning after sunrise.

However, the research acknowledged that so early in the day was not convenient for most people and concluded second best was in the evening after sunset.

I write this because during the dry, hot spell of weather, customers' demand for water has increased four-fold in some areas.

This demand is due to garden watering during the day and early evening (a garden sprinkler uses as much water in one hour as a family uses in one day).

There is a limit to how much water can be delivered to our customers.

Due to the volume of water being used on gardens, we are on occasions unable to provide water for a small number of customers, who are at the end of the supply chain.

If any of your readers would like a copy of the report, plus a water efficiency pack, please call 0845 278 0845.

-David Williams community relations manager, Southern Water