On July 17, Brighton and Hove councillors voted by a clear majority to oppose the dumping of toxic industrial waste into our water supplies - otherwise known as water fluoridation.

Although duty-bound to protect the rights of their constituents, councils will soon be powerless to oppose this enforced mass medication.

Amendments to the Water Bill currently going through Parliament will legally oblige water companies to fluoridate water supplies when unelected strategic health authorities order it, indemnify them against potential litigation and lumber the consumer with the bill for the colossal expense of installing and maintaining the fluoridating equipment.

Fluoride is a carcinogen, immuno-suppressant, enzyme poison, narcotic and nerve toxin.

Registered under the 1972 Poisons Act in the same toxicity class as arsenic, mercury and paraquat, it has proven adverse effects on health - many serious and fatal - and is illegal under domestic, European and international laws.

The Water Bill will sweep away many of our most fundamental and legally protected Human Rights by state dictat.

We have the right to refuse to allow the State to poison us and our children.

We must write en masse to Southern Water telling them not to poison our water.

-Graham Parfitt, Brighton