I write in response to the few, but veracious, letters about the Tivoli Club on Western Road (Letters, July 14).

Every step possible has been taken to explain our proposals to refurbish the eye sore that is the old Embassy Cinema at 1 Western Road.

A public consultation meeting was held some months back to explain every issue but most ears were deaf to the reality of our proposals.

The issue of noise seems to be at the top of the list.

A council-approved sound engineer has, at great expense, carried out an indepth survey to prove the building is sound-proofed.

The music, in any event, will be ambient as we will install a first-class restaurant on the premises and not a pounding disco.

One needs only to look at the area in which the Tivoli Club is situated to realise the it can only improve the area.

The derelict property is at present covered in graffiti, vomit and urine. There are bushes growing out of the roof and the canopy on Western Road is a sleeping place for vagrants from Norfolk Square.

Our company will spend upwards of £1 million on the development, including CCTV cameras along Western Road and Little Western Road, three times the level of security personnel required by law, a complete refurbishment of the building and a mini bus service for clients so we do not contribute to the already dire parking situation.

We will contribute £10,000 to Brighton and Hove Police for further CCTV camera in Western Road directly connected to the police station.

The area of the Tivoli Club is not residential, but is registered with the council as mixed use - commercial and residential.

The building we propose to transform is in a commercial area, was built as a place of public entertainment in 1858 and has always been a place of public entertainment.

This company has bent over backwards to hear residents' objections and we recently altered our proposed opening hours from 2am, to 12am three days a week and 1am three days a week.

The Tivoli Club will offer entertainment to the 28-60 age group of both sexes and employment opportunities for up to 50 locals.

We will be a welcome addition to Brighton and Hove's reputation as a vibrant city.

-Colmaart Enterprises Limited, Western Road, Brighton