As an old-time railway man with nearly 50 years' service, I wish to join the debate on the klaxon horns now installed in the new rolling stock (Letters, July 5).

In my view, they are ridiculous and completely unnecessary. I worked and have lived alongside the railway track all of my married life and have never been disturbed until now.

The steam engine whistles were a wonderful sound and people loved them. From 1933, with the introduction of electric trains, the mild hooter was, and is, acceptable.

So why these earsplitting klaxons? They should be scrapped.

Living near the mainline and the local stations with a public level crossing a short distance away, I accept that "blowing up" is necessary.

However, I think some drivers should grow up as they appear to enjoy making as much noise as they can, while others are more considerate.

I am sure these horns can be toned down so as to be more acceptable to the ear.

-V Carn, Balcombe