The pin-up of grunge rock Evan Dando has come a long way since his days with The Lemonheads, who disintegrated on thew brink of greatness.

Not only did he have the looks and voice to die for, he had a drug habit to match.

But Dando has returned having shed only the latter.

Opening with an acoustic set before being joined by his band, Dando demonstrated he is also a songwriter of some wit with the wry Big Gay Heart, Rudderless and the excellent Hard Drive from the new album Baby I'm Bored.

Although shorn of the up-tempo numbers of his former outfit, the more mature Dando received an upbeat response from his maturing audience.

Whether the world still cares about the rehabilitation of one of the Nineties' greater talents is another matter but, judging by the enthusiasm of a packed Concorde 2, he can still shift CDs as a solo artist.