I read with disgust and dismay about the couple at Pashley Court, Shoreham, who have been told to rip up their garden.

I am from Shoreham Beach and, as I walk to work, my route takes me through Surrey Street, where I see this delightful garden five days a week.

Often, on a nice day, I see the couple putting in a lot of work and effort.

I stopped and spoke to them once and said how lovely it was. They told me it has cost between £1,500 and £2,000 over three years.

For them to be told by Adur District Council to rip it up makes me sick. What the hell is wrong with the council?

Has it taken leave of its senses? It should be encouraging this sort of thing, not faulting people every time they make such an effort.

We only live once so come on, Adur, give them a break.

-A D Chapman, Shoreham