No one seems to have pointed out that when the world's supply of oil dries up, air travel will be a thing of the past.

Can you imagine aircraft powered by steam or batteries?

As the shortage becomes more acute, the Government will have to hold stocks of oil for defence and other essential services and only the very rich will be able to afford private cars.

Horses and bicycles will have to replace them. At sea, sail or nuclear power will replace oil and, in the fields, shire horses will replace tractors.

The more leisurely pace of life will be welcome but the cost of transporting food and other essential materials will affect everyone's pocket.

It will be like a return to the 18th Century, although we should still have hydro-electricity and electricity generated by wind farms and nuclear power so we will still have TV and trains will still run.

Domestic supplies will probably have to be supplemented by solar power.

The Amish people in the US will be ready for it as they use only horses now. Are we getting ready?

-R Bayfield, Portslade