Roger Marlowe's request (Letters, May 7) for films about food will doubtless prompt others to suggest Magical Mystery Tour, an influence upon The Meaning Of Life.

Instead, as many meals require drink, one urges that the season include Walter Forde's Cheer, Boys Cheer (1939).

A delightful precursor of the Ealing comedies, with echoes of Romeo And Juliet, this concerns two rival breweries, Ironside and Greenleaf.

At the time, these were thought to be an allegory of Germany and England. Be that as it may (not to mention Brighton and Hove), the movie remains pertinent when real beer is at the mercy of the conglomerates.

Without belabouring the point about the Capital of Culture bid, one meaning of culture is such products as cheese and Mr Marlowe has agreed with me in lamenting that good cheese is increasingly difficult to find in Hove and Brighton.

The Cheese Shop has mutated into a general deli. True, Waitrose has some but the brie and camembert are not always as headily ripe as enthusiasts desire.

Perhaps readers can alert others to good sources of supply. Meanwhile, one must welcome Mr Marlowe's enterprise.

-Christopher Hawtree, Hove