Komedia's newly-refurbished theatre opened with a performance by the fantastic and surreal Tiger Lillies.

Consisting of vocalist, accordion player and composer Martyn Jacques, Adrian Huge on drums and spoons and Adrian Stout on double bass and saw, to see the Tiger Lillies live is a memorable experience.

Jacques (once described by Ken Campbell as "the Criminal Castrati") sang like an angel in a falsetto voice which ranged from beautifully melancholic to frenzied.

Not for the faint hearted, their lyrics hilariously described the depravity of life and delight in the profane.

There was a mishmash of influences, including Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf, Max Miller, Brecht and Weill, results in a combination of gipsy, opera, punk, Berlin cabaret and folk.

Truly brilliant.

Review by Sonia Reid, features@theargus.co.uk