Danny Cullip has been hailed by fans as Albion's captain fantastic.

They have voted the Seagulls' inspirational skipper player of the season.

Cullip topped the poll from Sussex-born club stalwart Kerry Mayo.

Top scorer Bobby Zamora, winner of the main prize for the past two years, was pipped by Richard Carpenter for third place.

The supporters' verdict has been endorsed by boss Steve Coppell.

"I've always had a good relationship with my captain," Coppell said.

"I use him as a sounding board and Danny has been good from that point of view.

"Sometimes he wears his heart too much on his sleeve, but with time and experience he will control that to his advantage.

"He has been a superb captain for us and his performances have been more or less constant.

"There has been the odd little dip, but in certain games he has been absolutely outstanding.

"I know he has felt very comfortable being one of three central defenders, which is a change from the way he has been brought up to play.

"That has added another string to his bow. He has shown he is not just a stopper but can pass the ball out."

Coppell also paid tribute to Mayo's contribution.

"When I came Kerry had been left out and people were unsure whether he had enough about him, but he has played at a consistent level at fullback and centre half.

"Very occasionally he is subject to silly lapses, but he has got energy which belies his shape. He keeps going all day long and he is a good team player."

Cullip was being presented with a colour TV from Hove-based sponsors Topolino and an engraved silver salver from the club before today's must-win home game against Watford.

He completed a double by taking the Junior Seagulls' award ahead of Zamora.

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