It is a very sad day in local politics when three letters telling the same lie are on the same page of The Argus (April 18).

Only a very desperate party needs to do this in an attempt to retain voter loyalties using fear or to intimidate a new vote into its favour that is neither earned nor deserved.

Richard Austin and Labour candidates Warren Morgan and Don Brown all try to say if you don't vote Labour the bogeyman will get you.

What they withhold is vital information all voters need in making a true choice and Labour's diminished credibility is further damaged.

All parties were long ago informed by electoral services of the need to reduce numbers of councillors (78 down to 54) and alter ward boundaries.

Their analysis of the previous vote indicates no overall control by any party. This election is up for grabs.

People should vote first and foremost for good councillors and for parties of choice and not out of intimidation and fear of the Tories or for a party blatantly misinforming.

-Valerie Paynter Liberal Democrat candidate, Westbourne ward, Hove