Gloria Wheatcroft's insistence (The Argus, April 2) the West Pier Trust and Brighton and Hove City Council have a duty to provide for the birds on a renovated West Pier, strikes me as something coming from cloud cuckoo land or should that be starling land?

May I suggest a photograph in one of the restored pavilions might be more appropriate.

The main responsibility of the trust and the council must be to see a rebuilt pier, hopefully with a resited landward development, that remains financially viable and is not allowed to fall into disrepair again.

I feel sure Miss Wheatcroft need not worry about the birds, they will find somewhere else to put on their display. Let's hope it is locally. By the way, I put out bread for the birds most mornings.

I feel confident a restored West Pier, developed as an international attraction with a typically-British flavour, can be a huge asset to the city and will knock the vogue for the dysfunctional boxes represented by the Guggenheim in Bilbao into a cocked hat.

-Alan Nunn, Hove