Giant kitchen utensils and an array of seaside lights will help create a spectacular weekend in Bognor.

The town will be turning on its seafront light displays during two days of markets, entertainments and art shows, starting tomorrow.

The events are part of Bognor's Here Comes Summer programme.

A French market will be held on the Esplanade, between West Street and the east side of Waterloo Square, from 9am to 7pm tomorrow and 10am to 5pm on Sunday.

Hampshire sculptor Richard Farrington will be showing off his latest works at the Royal Norfolk Hotel, in a free exhibition featuring giant-sized kitchen utensils and garden tools.

Coles Funfair will operate by the beach, between Lennox Street and Clarence Road.

But the main event of the night will be the switching on of the seafront lights.

Bognor Mayor councillor Jan Cosgrove and Bognor and Littlehampton MP Nick Gibb have the honour of illuminating the beach at 8.45pm, followed by a large fireworks display.