It's called Robocam, it looks like a prop from a Hollywood movie but fiction could soon become reality at clubs in Brighton and Hove.

Event II on West Street, owned by Luminar plc, is one of the venues introducing high-tech video headsets for door staff.

A tiny video camera fitted to a head brace and worn at eye level can capture incidents as they happen and the images and sound used as evidence if cases go to court.

Director of Luminar plc Steve Dennis said: "We're widening usage of robocams and the Event II could be included in this expansion in the future."

"Event II is a very popular nightclub renowned for its friendly atmosphere and safe environment," he added.

Inspector Paul Smith of Brighton's performance support unit said: "There are a number of clubs starting to pilot this equipment in the city.

"We think it is a good thing and would like to see it across the city.

"It acts as a deterrent. Although it costs a bit, I think clubs who use the equipment will reap the benefits as there will be less crowd disorder and people will remember that.

"Anything the pubs and clubs can do to help tackle violent crime is welcomed by police."

The equipment has been used by door staff at a Luminar club in Milton Keynes for several months.

General manager Ian Knight said: "The robocam is an invaluable piece of kit which has proved itself time and time again.

"The unit acts as a safeguard against people making false allegations. From our point of view it acts as a mobile evidential tool.

"It is so visual that people realise they are being recorded and it acts as a deterrent."