Over-the-moon bride Lisa Frazer received her wedding photographs yesterday - after a delay of 11 months.

We tracked Brighton photographer Shaun Chandler after Mrs Frazer and other disgruntled newlyweds complained about delays.

Mr Chandler apologised and promised to send pictures this week.

Mrs Frazer said: "It was like Christmas when they arrived in the post yesterday. I wanted to scream with delight. I can, at last, show people my wedding pictures - thanks to The Argus. Thank you so, so much."

Some customers were still waiting today but other readers were celebrating.

Les and Jennifer Cherriman waited months for pictures of their daughter Lesley's marriage to Miguel.

Mr Cherriman, of Kemp Town, Brighton, said: "They have arrived through the post. It was so nice of The Argus to help us. Thank you very, very much."

Mr Chandler blamed a break-up of his marriage and financial troubles for the delays.

We first got involved with the case of the missing photographs following complaints from dozens of upset couples that Mr Chandler had let down.

We tracked him down to a flat in Brighton Marina but at first he did not respond to our repeated calls and emails.

There was a slight breakthrough last week when Snappy Snaps on North Street got in touch to say that Mr Chandler was a regular customer there.

They had some prints he had taken, which we published to the delight of two couples who finally got the professional pictures of their big day.

A day after the photos appeared in the paper, Mr Chandler got in touch with The Argus after speaking to trading standards officers.

He apologised to the many couples he had let down and assured them he would return their pictures with an explanatory letter.