War is an ugly business, there can be no success.

Going to war is, in itself, a defeat. I am convinced Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who needs rooting out.

However, I am quizzical about the motives for this war.

China rolled tanks over its students, North Korea is not governed by a democratic head of state.

No crusade is being fought against such mighty powers.

No questions are being asked about Russia's very dubious human-rights record in Chechnya.

Sorting-out the Israeli/Palestinian conflict or, at least, putting some real effort into it would be more expedient of the US and of Britain.

It would stem the flow of excuses for international terrorism.

After last year's war, there is not enough financial back-up to stabilise Afghanistan - yet there is enough for a new war.

The USA and the EU have varying financial and petrol interests in the Gulf region.

There is not enough money for a decent amount of midwives in our city yet decent tax-payers pay for a war for which half the country is still not convinced.

These are sad times, indeed. May this war be a short one. I pray this won't be the Mother Of All Blunders.

-Agnes Fayolle, Clifton Terrace, Brighton