Mobile phone picture messaging has been banned by swimming pool owners amid fears that paedophiles will abuse the service.

Littlehampton Swimming and Sports Centre and Arun Leisure Centre at Felpham, near Bognor, are the first in West Sussex to outlaw the new-generation mobiles.

David Batchelor, manager at Littlehampton, said it was a risk-reduction measure designed to protect the public.

He said he was sad the steps were necessary but believes most parents and centre users understood the reason.

Mr Batchelor said: "It is sad we have had to take these steps but it is the sort of decision we have to face. We have already prohibited pictures being taken in certain areas of the centre but these new phones can take a picture without anybody realising.

"It not only raises privacy issues but data protection and human rights problems.

"Most members of the public realise it is reasonable as a risk-reduction measure. We have to protect members of the public, especially children, from people who might be taking an improper interest."

Posters have gone up at the centres, both run by Arun District Council, warning users of the ban.

But Mr Batchelor said this type of "peeping tom" photography was difficult to police.

He said: "We are making centre users aware of what is prohibited and are asking them to be alert to any suspicious activity and to report it."

Parents today welcomed the ban.

Father-of-two Mark Butler said: "I can understand the reason they are doing it but it is a sad indictment of our society that they are having to take these measures."

Oliver Wingrove, Arun District Council's cabinet member for leisure, described it as a sensible move.

He said: "I think this is sensible and necessary. I welcome the fact that the decision to ban them has been made early on. I am sure it will be taken up nationally."