Residents will be able to complain about problems such as broken street lights or abandoned vehicles at any time of day or night through a new initiative.

The scheme, called citydirect, will be launched on Tuesday as a new way to give people in Brighton and Hove access to local services.

They will be able to connect with a range of council services to do anything from reporting a pothole in the road to checking out a planning application.

It is not just people with home computers who will benefit. Others will be able to use self-help points which are being opened at libraries and schools.

There will also be three main citydirect centres at Bartholomew House in Brigh-ton, Hove Town Hall and Portslade Neighbourhood Office in Victoria Road.

Initial services available will cover abandoned vehicles, carelink, complaints and online consultation, concessionary travel, environmental health, libraries, pavement and road repairs, planning and development control, street cleansing, street lighting, student support and waste.