The time has come to get really tough on the youth yob culture of today's society.

They are so lucky compared to the pensioners who, through no fault of their own, had a really miserable time when they were young.

No cosy evenings with take-always in front of the telly in a warm house, not much food, and a scary night spent mainly in a cold air-raid shelter, waking up - if lucky - next day to see your neighbour's home destroyed by Doodlebugs in the night.

Going to school hungry and having to carry your gas mask. No trendy clothes as clothing coupons were very meagre, as was food.

But did we turn into thugs and totally immoral teenagers with no respect for anyone or anything? No, we turned into mostly decent, caring, compassionate people who have to struggle hard to pay our way and eat and keep warm.

So, no change for us then - yes, us pensioners.

-W Addison, Elm Grove, Brighton