A car thief ripped off his clothes to put police dogs off his trail - but the stunt was all in vain

But the long nose of the law sniffed out the offender and gave Brighton and Hove police one of their best captures of the week.

The man was wanted for questioning in connection with a list of car crimes.

His arrest topped off a successful operation for officers fighting vehicle crime.

Residents left their homes last week to praise police as they rounded up villains on the Hollingdean and Hollingbury estates in Brighton.

The areas account for 25 per cent of all thefts of and from cars in the city but offences were slashed 90 per cent in the three-day crackdown.

The normal tally of 20 crimes was cut to two as police carried out high-profile patrols and targeted known offenders.

One car was stolen - but police were determined it wouldn't slip their net.

On Thursday night officers spotted the Vauxhall Astra in Whitehawk, Brighton.

Police quickly arrested a woman and later found a man hiding in bushes.

He had discarded his jacket and other clothes and police believe this was to put off sniffer dogs.

Operation leader Inspector Steve Curry urged the public to help combat car crime by reporting anything suspicious immediately on 0845 6070999.