What planet is the chief constable of Sussex living on? He claims the UK takes fewer immigrants than any other EU state (The Argus, February 3).

We had 92,000 in 2001 compared with 88,000 in Germany, which has a far larger population.

His claim that the situation is improving is false. The Government has completely failed to meet its much-vaunted target of removing 30,000 failed immigrants. But his most hilarious remark was "Asylum-seekers get by on £38 a week".

As a retired ex-serviceman, I would be delighted to have this sum free and clear with hotel accommodation all paid for, washing up and cooking all done, central heating, clothes and an army of misguided bleeding-heart publicly financed people to administer to my every need.

Mr Jones's distortion of facts does not inspire confidence in his administration of Sussex Police and the soaring crime figures support this.

I wonder what the family of brave PC Oakes feels when they read this man's surreal comments? He should face the same fate as his predecessor, namely instant dismissal.

-David Hall-Roberts, Brunswick Row, Brighton