Carol Grant (Letters, January 30) condemns Brighton and Hove City Council for not introducing a citywide street-drinking ban.

I was a member of the working party examining this proposal and chair the advisory group of the Equinox Drink Crisis Centre, which offers a service to street drinkers.

I have every sympathy with the residents of the Norfolk Square area (who were also represented on the working party) because no one should have to tolerate the behaviour Ms Grant outlined in her letter.

Unfortunately, the extension of the street-drinking ban across the entire city is not the simple solution to the problem many think.

It worked in St James's Street because street drinkers simply moved to other areas where there was no ban. If the ban is extended citywide and there are no other areas for them to go to, they will still drink.

They are addicted and cannot stop simply because it becomes illegal.

Under these circumstances, we need to be able to provide somewhere for them to go off the street so they can drink under supervised circumstances and have the opportunity to access help to combat their addiction.

The Equinox Centre is one such place but space is limited and it already operates at more or less full capacity.

It is important increased provision to take drinkers off the street is in place at the same time as the ban is extended or it will not work for the residents of Norfolk Square or any other area of the city that has a problem.

-Tony Mernagh, City Centre Business Forum, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton