Once again, planning application has been made for the demolition of garages to be replaced by houses.

After refusal by Brighton and Hove City Council to build one house, a request is now being made to demolish two garages in order to build two houses.

These garages face a blind corner which, at times, becomes very congested and dangerous because of the narrowness of the road.

It necessitates city refuse carts reversing in (the only possible way) to collect rubbish from the Sussex University residence and shops.

It is sometimes a very busy road, being the only access for the vans to their respective shops. We need less traffic in the mews, not more.

No doubt the reason houses were not built over the garages years ago stems from its being a blind corner. What is different now? It is also a conservation area.

I trust Brighton and Hove planning committee will refuse this application once and for all. Like many others, it is based on greed, not on need.

-Anne Giebeler, Holland Mews, Hove