Under the Town and Country Planning Act, a local planning authority (LPA) has the power to serve notices upon owners of listed buildings or structures requiring them (the owners) to maintain their properties in good condition and, if necessary, restore them to their original condition.

In the event of their failure to do so, the LPA has the authority to itself restore the building or structure to its original condition and recover all costs involved from the owners.

I am unaware the LPA has taken or even contemplated any such action.

The Argus (December 31) carries the headline "A tragedy but no one will take the blame".

In my view, a finger should be pointed directly at Brighton and Hove City Council and its predecessor for failing to exercise its legal responsibilities in relation to the preservation of listed buildings or structures.

In this context, both councils have shown themselves inept, incompetent and gutless.

-R J Sharpe, Sunnydale Avenue, Patcham