I have been reading with some amusement, anger and downright amazement the reports of all the "politically correct" actions by various groups, such as the Red Cross's removal of Christmas decorations, removal of the name "blackboard" from classrooms and the gollywog from jars of jam and so forth.

If we decided to move in large numbers, as many people have to this country, and settle in another country, would we expect the locals to change their ways in order not to upset us? Would they even consider doing so? I think not.

When people move to our country, for whatever reason, they must know what to expect or will soon learn our ways.

Whether they choose to join in with our ways or agree with them is entirely up to them.

I am sure the idea of us changing or removing certain items or names just to keep them happy would not enter their heads, so why are we doing this and does it really make things any better for the newcomers?

-Mrs B Hart, Petworth Road, Patcham