Voice Of The Argus, (December 12) states a supermarket development "is better on the Brighton station site than on the edge of the city".

As Professor Tim Lang shows in his study Off Our Trolleys?, supermarkets must be in the high street, not on the edge of town, or they draw trade from local shops.

That is why the diversity, including the existing supermarkets, of London Road works and people who shop there travel mostly by bus or on foot.

Should this development on the Brighton station site proceed, an estimated additional 3,000 car journeys daily to and from a supermarket - plus delivery lorries - will be adding to congestion and pollution in an area already experiencing heavy traffic.

The unacceptable effects of increased traffic from this proposal do not equate with the planning brief to make a "clear and unambiguous modal shift towards public transport, walking and cycling, away from the car".

Nor can they meet essential sustainability objectives to reduce road traffic within and around the city or the country's growing traffic levels.

-Felicity Tanous, Brighton, Hove and Mid-Sussex Friends of the Earth