More than 30 residents with placards demonstrated to demand a doctor's surgery at Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne.

More than 800 people have signed a petition calling for the surgery.

It is being presented to Eastbourne Downs Primary Care NHS Trust tomorrow in an effort to get a long-derelict purpose-built building in Kingsmere reopened.

Many people turned out on Saturday at Brittany Court, Kingsmere, to press their case.

Some of the 3,000 residents of Sovereign Harbour have to endure a one-hour bus trip to a surgery in Hampden Park.

Others have had to wait up to four months to register at other surgeries in Eastbourne, sometimes miles from their homes.

Campaigner Margaret Salsbury said: "It is a desperate situation. It is not fair on people round here who have the right to health care.

"It is only going to get worse as dozens more homes are going to be built around here over the next few years."