The Government hopes by setting up Primary Care Trusts it will bring the management of the NHS closer to the people.

When I saw the small notice of its next meeting in The Argus, I decided to try to attend despite its meeting at 1pm.

As I anticipated, there were few of us there - only six, later four - so, on this basis, the Government has yet to succeed in its aim.

Indeed, stop anybody in the street and mention the trust and you will get a blank look.

To be fair to the trust members, the background information to the agenda made available to us was important and comprehensive. Nevertheless, it has far to go.

It might start by meeting at a time more convenient for the public.

The organiser seemed to be aware of this problem and during the break in proceedings we were invited to join in the sandwiches and refreshments.

It might also consider broadcasting its proceedings on the internet. Elderly and immobile people are increasingly going on the net.

Perhaps the members appointed by the Secretary of State and accountable only to him are sensitive to this fact and may be aware, should the Royal Sussex County Hospital become a foundation hospital, it will have an elected management board.

-R G Jenkins, Hove