Roger Brown didn't mention that most cameras are placed where they will gain the most revenue rather than where the accidents occur.

Research by Autocar magazine found 18 cameras monitor 500 miles of the most hazardous roads compared with 24 on the safest.

Morally, this is just as bad as the shoplifting we both deplore. By concentrating on speed alone, other factors have been ignored.

The Government is desperate to raise money. It does not have enough to fund the fire service properly or any other public service.

As it costs us more than £1 million pounds an hour to belong to the EU, this is hardly surprising.

British motorists are an easy target. We pay more than any other country and have less spent on our roads.

The average car journey to work now takes 16 per cent longer than it used to, which is disgusting.

Not content with the high taxes, parking charges and heavy fines, the blighters are planning congestion charges everywhere.

They hope to charge us for their lack of road building, neglect and deliberate obstruction.

Unless we get rid of this government and out of the EU, things will only get worse. No wonder so many people are emigrating.

-Chris Gould, Georgia Avenue, Worthing