Would-be car thieves are being told 'Don't Bother' in a new campaign.

Operation Vallance offers advice on how to reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of car crime.

The scheme will be in Wick near Littlehampton, this weekend.

It is a partnership between police, specials, Arun District Council and Neighbourhood Watch and is part of the Arun Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership's priority to reduce vehicle crime.

They will visit about 800 houses in teams and provide car owners with information and advice in the form of 'Don't Bother' packs.

The packs include stickers and cards which can be placed in a prominent position in vehicles, informing would-be thieves that the car has no valuables inside.

Throughout Saturday and Sunday a 7m-long mobile police station will be stationed in a lay-by in Clun Road for residents to visit.

Crime prevention literature will be available from the trailer and a police crime prevention officer will be on hand to discuss any crime-related issues.

Local councillors have also been invited to discuss issues with residents.

The scheme will run from 10am to 2pm each day.