Sussex bosses are helping stressed staff calm down by offering them an on-site massage.

Qualified therapeutic masseur Adam Reeves said massage may not be the complete answer to workplace stress but it did show employers were taking the matter seriously.

He said: "Last year, 67 million working days were lost due to stress.

The cost to business and to people's lives is enormous and caring employers realise they need to do something to combat the problem."

Using his acupressure chair, he visits firms to provide the massage.

Mr Reeves said: "The chair was developed for use in the workplace and is ideal for the type of massage I give, which concentrates on restoring the circulation and getting oxygen to the brain.

"It's not a massage that is going to knock someone for the rest of the day.

"It is to restore energy and put people in a better frame of mind so they are better equipped to deal with their jobs."

Mr Reeves specialises in Japanese acupressure chair massage.

This involves sitting backwards on the chair with your face pressed into a doughnut- shaped cushion while he does amazing things to your neck, shoulders and back.

The sessions last 15 minutes and cost £12 per person with discounts for groups. Mr Reeves can be contacted on 07967 806836.