The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is governed by a simple rule. If it looks and sounds nasty and it moves, kill it.

Gamers expecting an adventure game based on Frodo Baggins' wanderings will be disappointed by the game's mix of combat, combat and more combat.

But everyone else will enjoy the puzzle of working out how best to clean-up Middle Earth.

Electronic Arts' game, made in conjunction with New Line Cinema, which is responsible for the movies, is based on the first and second books of JRR Tolkien's fantasy trilogy, taking players from Weathertop to Helm's Deep via Moria.

After a brief tutorial, players find themselves in the shoes of Aragorn, Legolas or Gimli in various set-pieces.

Performance is rated on killing moves, from fair to perfect, helping to rack-up points, which can then be used to purchase special moves or a permanent health increase.

There are also extra arrows and health vials littered around.

The game mixes footage from the first two films into the game animation. It demonstrates just how close the game's designers have got to the movie in terms of how it looks and feels.

Voices and music from the film also help to reinforce the impression this is more than just a game.

Bloodthirsty gamers will love the mix of simple-toplay, difficult to master, swordplay.

Price: £44.99.

Feel good factor: 8 out of 10.