Not before time, an environmental traffic row erupts over development of the Brighton station site.

Surely this major city-centre site should align with the pending and probably car-free 20-year city strategic transport plan?

How unprofessional to propose a Sainsbury's supermarket - possibly with a filling station and underground car park - up a hill and inaccessible to public transport, while in nearby London Road the existing supermarket is accessible to all customers using public transport.

Priority should be given to pedestrianising London Road, New England Road, the Old Steine, the seafront A259, North Street, West Street, Queen's Road, Dyke Road and Western Road, to aim for a car-free city with efficient public transport.

Hove goodsyard has been proposed for reinstatement for the city to transfer city waste from road to rail.

Likewise, Brighton station goodsyard should be reinstated to transfer city freight deliveries from road to rail.

-John Stanaway, Lorna Road, Hove