An ancient East Sussex path is at the heart of an argument between horse riders and dog walkers.

Riders claim Hockington Lane, which runs between Wish Hill and Butts Lane in Willingdon village, Eastbourne, has been used as a short cut for horses since the Thirties.

Dog owners claim the lane is too narrow and should be left for two-legged pedestrians and their hounds.

The argument became the subject of a public inquiry earlier this week when representatives for the Government planning inspectorate attended at a meeting in St Mary's Church Hall, Willingdon.

Horse owner and Willingdon resident Julia Wilson applied to East Sussex County Council in 1998 for the path to officially be recognised as a bridleway.

She failed but after taking her case to appeal she was backed by the Secretary of State and the path was given over to riders in May 2001.

But the decision angered residents whose houses back on to the path and dog walkers.

In response, they also lodged an appeal against the decision and put their case across at the public inquiry.

The final decision on the fate of the path should be announced in the next two months.