Labour MP David Lepper says his party's conference should not return to Blackpool until the Winter Gardens venue is improved.

This year Labour returned to the Lancashire resort after a long absence, following complaints about the main conference hall and some hotels.

Mr Lepper, MP for Brighton Pavilion, said he felt the party should have conferences alternating between the North and the South.

But he added after days spent in the Winter Gardens: "It really is the pits."

Prime Minister Tony Blair was sweating during his hour-long keynote speech and Mr Lepper said: "There was no air conditioning.

"The place badly needs decorating and the crush in the entrance hall could be dangerous.

"Labour agreed to return to Blackpool after hearing the hall would be improved but there was no sign of it."

Mr Lepper said many delegates told him they would far rather be in Brighton but the party will not return there until 2004.

City council leader Ken Bodfish said earlier this week delegates he spoke to preferred Brighton.