A witness has told a murder trial how she heard a woman's scream, followed by silence, on the night her neighbour met his alleged victim.

James Flynn, 34, also known as Paul, admits the manslaughter of former Brighton Centre security guard Charmian Falkner, 33, but denies murder.

Ms Falkner was found dead at Flynn's ground-floor bedsit in Dorset Gardens, Brighton, six days after attending a Christmas party where she met him on December 21 last year.

Gloria Walker, who has lived in a basement flat at Dorset Gardens for five years, told Lewes Crown Court yesterday: "I heard one female voice scream and never heard nothing else."

She said just before this she heard arguing and a thumping noise, as if furniture was being moved around in the flat above.

Mrs Walker said: "First of all there was footsteps, then I could hear voices. Then the voices got louder as if they were arguing."

She had been unable to sleep because of the voices.

Mrs Walker said after she heard the scream, she turned a light on and saw the clock read about 1am.

Alison Blakeburn was staying at her boyfriend's bedsit directly next to Flynn's on the night of the alleged murder, the court heard.

She said she heard two thuds in Flynn's bedsit and a female voice scream.

Her boyfriend Darrell Sharples, described what he heard.

He said: "It sounded like someone was rolling about on the floor."

He said he heard female gurgling noises two or three times and then it went quiet.

Consultant forensic pathologist Doctor Richard Shepherd, who carried out the post-mortem examination, told the jury Miss Falkner had bruising on her forehead as if she had been struck with some force.

Her lip was cut and bruised. Both cheeks were bruised, which was consistent with a blow from a fist or object, Dr Shepherd said.

Flynn, who was a casual worker at the Brighton Centre, showed no emotion as the jury was told the cause of death was strangulation.

The trial continues.