Designer Aneela Rose will be combining a touch of the exotic East with Western fashion when she opens her new shop this week.

Running her own fashion business has been an ambition of Aneela since leaving school and, with the support of her partner Graham Fairbairn, it has become a reality.

Aneela, who designs the outfits, said: "The label has its own look. The fashions are a fusion of Eastern flair and Western styles and aimed at the Western market.

"Every item is handmade with delicate embroidered designs. They are made by skilled people in India and Pakistan whom I was able to contact through family links.

"Being thousands of miles away from our manufacturers has proved a real challenge but our efforts in the past year have begun to reap rewards and we have established strong links with our suppliers.

"I send the sketches and drawings to them and they send back a sample garment to which alterations are made before final approval and production.

"The materials are all very high quality and the craftsmanship is exceptional.

"Some of the more elaborate designs take weeks to complete because of the intricate nature of the embroidery.

"We've chosen silk and velvet fabrics from the Indian subcontinent and specialist crushed cotton from Thailand.

"We've done research into what styles, colours and fabrics women like and steered away from what is already available on the High Street."