Sussex Police Chief Constable Ken Jones is beseeching officers to talk to him first before transferring to the Metropolitan Police.

At the Met, they can earn £5,000 more and enjoy free travel.

Mr Jones has sent an email to staff saying: "I and the people of Sussex need you here."

It sounds desperate and, while the force is still recruiting more people than it is losing, the chief is clearly worried for the future.

The problem lies with the Government's decision last year to allow the Met to pay its officers £5,000 more to meet higher costs of living.

Neighbouring forces were allowed to pay more on a sliding scale with Sussex officers receiving an extra £1,000.

With many costs of living in Sussex being on a par with London, Sussex officers will argue the scale is unfair, that they should receive the same £5,000 benefit.

Some officers will be tempted to transfer to the Met and, if the trickle turns into a flood, the Government will have to rethink.

Allowing large numbers of officers to leave Sussex would drain the force of experience and destroy continuity within departments and investigations.

Let us hope most Sussex officers heed the chief's plea and at least talk to him before deciding.

As he said, in his Lord Kitchener way: Your county needs you.