Gavin Kennedy (Letters, September 13) is right in saying Tony Blair has a heavy weight on his shoulders about a decision to go to war.

However, this is a democracy and surely Parliament should be given a free vote and, possibly, the general public a referendum?

John Hodgson's letter (same day) is excellent, setting out one very strong motive for the US waging war on Iraq when, as he so rightly points out, it was supportive during Iraq's ten-year war against Iran.

The tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are very pertinent points, too.

As one of Anthony Arundell's wheezing pacifists, I should like to say as a Christian I take the words of Jesus Christ seriously when he said "Blessed are the peacemakers" and "Pray for your enemies".

The Buddhists in Hove regularly meditate for peace and we could all, irrespective of our faith, pray for Tony Blair, George Bush and Saddam Hussein.

-Carole Irvine, Upper Wellington Road, Brighton