Volunteers are being invited to help get rid of graffiti taggers' scrawls in the Maybridge and Durrington areas of Worthing.

A spokesman for the Genie Graffiti Wipeout day said: "We hope this year's event will be even more successful than last.

"All volunteers are welcome, from ten to 110 years of age and from all areas of Worthing, whether it's for the whole event or a short session."

A free barbecue and a raffle will be included in the day, as a thank you to those who take part.

Volunteers should gather at the Rose Wilmot Centre, near Durrington High School in Littlehampton Rd, on Friday, August 30 from 9.30am. They are advised to wear old clothes.

Anyone under the age of 17 must get a consent form, by calling 0845 6070999.

For details about the day, call 01903 221359 or email mel.stevens@worthing.gov.uk
Meanwhile, a group of graffiti artists have been given a grant of £1,000 for a series of workshops for young people.

The money, from the Worthing Community Partnership's Community Chest Fund, will be used to support Worthing-based art company RAG's PMS Project.

People will be encouraged to create graffiti in approved locations.

Spokesman Dan Thompson said: "With £1,000 we should be able to paint about 50m of murals. We are looking for the best local spraycan artists."

For details, call 01903 709471 or email arts@worthing.co.uk