When will Thomas Bromley take his head out of the sand and acknowledge that there are alternatives to the use of animals in medical research?

If he wishes to educate himself about the alternatives, there is the excellent Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine web site (dlrm.org) he could peruse.

This site contains a great many questions and answers against animal testing.

The web site of the Directory of Funding Sources for Scientific Pursuit Alternatives in Animal Research, Testing, and Education (altweb.jhsph. edu) gives information about the amount of funding given by each individual country.

I was very impressed by the awards given in Germany for such projects as demonstrating the possibility to establish in vitro methods or ethically acceptable experiments in man, which would replace animal experimentation.

People such as Mr Bromley refuse to alter their thinking and therefore contribute to the outdated method of using animals in research instead of moving into the 21st Century and assisting this country in becoming a world leader in alternative medicine.

-Judy Way, Overhill, Southwick