The threat of further industrial action among thousands of town hall workers across Sussex was averted last night.

Unions made an agreement with the local authorities and walkouts planned for August 14 and an another date in September were called off.

The deal followed lengthy negotiations, which saw a two-year deal agreed.

It will see local authority employees get a three per cent pay increase back dated to April 1 this year and a further one per cent on October 1.

Lower-paid council workers on grades one and two will get a further two per cent in October and, from April 2003, all local authority employees will get a basic 3.5 per cent increase.

Last month, the work of many town halls across the country were severely disrupted when staff staged one-day strikes in support of a pay claim to match the often higher salaries in the private sector.

Schools, libraries and many other council services across Sussex were plunged into chaos by the walkout, which was well supported by union members.

Staff working for Brighton and Hove City Council supported the day of action and many services were halted.

Brighton GMB union official Mark Turner said he was pleased an outcome had been reached, with some of the lower paid council workers getting a much-deserved increase.