BY attacking the Green Party for boycotting Brighton and Hove City Council's planning committee on the Falmer stadium (Letters, June 14), Craig Turton renders himself ridiculous.

He says the Greens have revealed their true colour as yellow by running away when the going gets tough - but he's a fine one to talk.

I notice he's not so quick to tell us that, a couple of years ago, he was the chairman of Haringey Council's social services committee, a body which presided over one of the most appalling child abuse and subsequent murder cases this country has yet witnessed and which is still very much in the news.

Having lost his seat at the following local elections to a Liberal Democrat, he departed from Haringey and - yes, you've guessed it - has turned up in Brighton and Hove.

Next May, he hopes to win the East Brighton ward on the council for Labour but I fancy the local electors might have other ideas.

Whatever one feels on the Falmer stadium issue, at least the Greens and The Argus have been involved for a sufficient length of time to make educated comment. Pots and kettles, Mr Turton.

-Nigel Furness, Cambridge Road, Hove