Councillor Joyce Edmond-Smith suggests all cars should be banned from the city on the day of the London-to-Brighton bike ride. Why? Why not ban the bike ride? What good does it do to the people of Brighton and Hove to have tens of thousands of cyclists clogging up the streets for hours?

As far as I can see, theyspendlittleand add nothing to the city except congestion. Most of the riders in organised groups have back-up whichbrings in all their food and drink and I don't see any of the cyclists filling their panniers with goods to take back with them.

Did Coun Edmond-Smith consult traders before calling for this? I am sure it would drive away the few Brightonians left who do brave the city during this yearly blight.

Last Sunday, I knew I hadtodrive across town so I left before 9am in order to avoid the chaos that was coming. What a surprise it was when I saw my first cyclist of the day completely ignore red lights at the Level and speed across a junction without even slowing down.

Have a car-free day, by all means, but please do not let it coincide with this annual plague of arrogant, Lycra-clad roadhogs.

S Robertson