Campaigners are seeking an agreement with the cosmetics industry over alternatives to tests using animals.

Euro-MP Chris Huhne is backing a move by the European Parliament which has agreed a Europe-wide ban on the marketing of new products unless the industry introduces alternative tests.

Mr Huhne, Liberal Democrat MEP for the South East including Sussex, said: "The public has made clear it wants an end to animals having to suffer for vanity products.

"Further delay by the cosmetics industry can no longer be accepted.

"Bathrooms across Europe are already packed with thousands of cosmetic products.

"If the price to be paid to end animal cruelty is that consumers do without yet another new deodorant or bubble bath, then it is one worth paying.

"The plan agreed is ambitious but realistic.

"It will step up pressure on the cosmetics industry but not create insuperable difficulties. We now have the basis for a long-term agreement to end this debate once and for all."